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Prime is more than just a team.

We are a family. 

Our Mission... Person comes first, always.

We at Prime believe in building our players as individual people first, the student-athlete comes second. While we do want them to succeed on the field and the classroom, we do recognize the invaluable life skills they gain from not just playing the sport but leading the charge in their own growth with in it. Our athletes are held accountable for their own actions and their own growth as well as communicating and staying up to date with current club happenings.


We are very lucky and we work quite diligently to help every child who comes to us looking to continue their playing years achieve their dream. Every athlete has a place and we believe fully that they can all continue within the sport f they set their heart and mind to that goal. Not every athlete continues at the varsity team level but that is not all that is offered. We have helped athletes move on to the college club level, the referee path, or onto coaching. This sport has no limits and we believe if an athlete wants to continue to grow in the game it is our responsibility to aid inn the process.


If a child comes and wants a place to be able to play, we will provide them with that place. Furthermore, if a child needs a safe space to grow, both on or off the field, we will provide them with that space. We take providing that environment very seriously. There is no tolerance for behavior that is destructive to the individual or the team. When we notice these types of moments or being on the verge, we pull those involved aside and try to help mitigate it early. Oftentimes a simple sit down and hashing it out is the best course of action. When this becomes a trend and unmanageable for the coaching staff we will need contact with the athletes and parent/s and potential dismissal from the program. 


The players in our program have, over the years, bonded into our family.



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